Heading in navigation refers to the direction in which a vessel, aircraft, or vehicle is pointing at any given moment. It is usually expressed in degrees relative to true north (geographic north), magnetic north, or another reference point depending on the context. The heading is a key component of navigational orientation.
The heading may differ from the course due to external influences like wind, current, or engine misalignment, but the course represents the intended path to the destination.
Heading is usually expressed in degrees from a reference direction, typically true north (0° or 360°), magnetic north, or grid north.
For example:
0° or 360°: North
90°: East
180°: South
270°: West
Magnetic Heading vs. True Heading:

Magnetic Heading: Refers to the direction the vessel or aircraft is facing, measured relative to magnetic north (based on Earth’s magnetic field). This is the direction indicated by a magnetic compass.
True Heading: Refers to the direction the vessel or aircraft is facing relative to true north, which is the geographical north pole. True heading is usually more accurate, and navigators must account for magnetic variation (the difference between true north and magnetic north) when using a compass.

Importance of Heading:
Knowing the heading is crucial for ensuring that a vessel or aircraft is moving in the correct direction, particularly when navigating through challenging conditions like strong winds, tides, or air currents.

Accurate heading measurement helps pilots, captains, and navigators adjust their course to stay on track and reach their destination.
If a ship is traveling at a heading of 90°, it is pointed directly east, regardless of any forces like wind or current that might push it off course. If its course is also 90° and it’s moving as planned, the heading and course are aligned. However, if the ship’s heading is pushed to, say, 85° due to wind, it will still be moving in the eastward direction but may need to adjust its path (course) to counteract the drift caused by external factors.
In short, heading is the direction a vessel, aircraft, or vehicle is facing at a specific moment in time.