A Base Station in the context of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) refers to a fixed, precisely located reference station that receives signals from GNSS satellites and provides corrections to improve the accuracy of positioning data. Base stations play a crucial role in Differential GNSS (DGNSS) and Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) positioning.

Here’s how it works:
- The base station is set up at a known, accurate location (its coordinates are precisely determined).
- It receives signals from multiple GNSS satellites, just like any other GNSS receiver.
- The base station compares the satellite signals it receives with its known position, calculates any discrepancies or errors in the satellite signals (such as atmospheric delays, clock errors, or signal multipath effects), and generates correction data.
- These corrections are then transmitted to nearby mobile GNSS receivers (rovers) via radio, internet, or other communication methods.
- The mobile receivers apply these corrections to their own position calculations, resulting in much more accurate positioning, often within centimeters or millimeters.
Base stations are widely used in applications requiring high-precision GNSS, such as surveying, mapping, agriculture, construction, and autonomous vehicles.