Угол коррекции курса

The Course Correction Angle refers to the angular difference between the current heading and the desired course.

The Course Correction Angle (also known as the Course Adjustment Angle) is the angle that needs to be applied to an aircraft’s current heading to correct for navigational errors or deviations from the desired flight path. It is typically used when the aircraft is off course due to factors such as wind drift, navigational inaccuracies, or incorrect heading.

This angle is calculated by considering:

  1. Wind Drift: If the wind is pushing the aircraft off its intended course, the course correction angle will be the angle required to counteract the wind’s effect and bring the aircraft back on the correct path.
  2. Current Heading and Desired Course: The angle between the aircraft’s current heading and the intended course path determines how much correction is needed.
  3. Magnetic or True Heading: Depending on the reference system being used, the correction might be relative to magnetic or true north.

For example, if a flight is supposed to fly on a heading of 090° (east), but winds are pushing it to the south, the course correction angle will indicate the new heading (e.g., 080° or 100°) to maintain the correct track.

In practice, pilots use tools like flight management systems (FMS), navigational charts, or manual calculations to determine the course correction angle during flight, ensuring they stay on the correct route despite deviations.